Where would you rather your life were heading?
“I understand your sense of unrest, of loss even – of dreams, of optimism, of belief whether through bereavement, divorce, or compromises in your work, home or hopes. But you have choices. I can help you choose get back on track to squeeze more out of the life you are so privileged to have. It’s that simple, that brilliant”.

I understand loss in a way few truly do – both the fragility and transience of the life we have and the need to get on with it. If I dole out plain speaking and tough love it’s because I want you to be the person you want to be. This approach, born of experience not arrogance doesn’t suit everyone but my goodness it works. Because deep coaching for my clients means insight measured in positive actions and outcomes. Anything less is possibly a waste of my time, your money and loss of the successful future which might have been yours.